Home > The Best eBook publishing Companies You Need to Know


There were days when sending your writing work to book agents and publishing services providers and then just wait for a long time to get it printed. But in today's digital world, everything seems so easy. You can also take this task in your hands. eBook writers, you have written your eBook, and now your masterpiece is in your hand and just waiting to get published. Make it happen. 

Publishing an eBook by yourself is an exciting yet stressful and nail-biting process. Your eBook design is top-notch, and you do have an eBook marketing plan in your hand. But you will still be figuring how to publish eBooks and promote your writing. There are so many platforms that anyone can feel a bit overwhelming.

 It is a crucial decision you need to make when you are choosing the best eBook publishing platform. As there are lots of eBook publishing companies advertising their services in this field. It is very difficult to choose one of them that works best for you.  

That is where this post comes in front of your sight. We will show you some of the best self-publishing eBook platforms every eBook writer knows and tips on how to choose one for yourself. 

Best Self-Publishing Companies For eBook Writer

We have compiled some of the best eBook publishing companies waiting for the talent of eBook writers like you!

Let's get into it.


The best self-publishing platform, – Amazon. It is very popular among eBook writers. Due to this wide popularity, every eBook Writer needs and wants to publish their work on Amazon. That's all the reason we keep it on the top of the list. 

Can you imagine that an eBook with 300 million potential readers and a publishing eBook on this platform can elevate your career as an eBook writer? Amazon service is very quick. Just set up an account, upload your eBook, and put your eBook in the limelight in just 15 mins. 


iBook is an eBook publishing platform and is very popular among iPhone users and people who use a mac. iBook is available only for those who use iPhones. It was the second-highest eBook publishing site in 2017. If you're planning to publish on iBook, you have to install some particular software on your PC, such as Mac programs. You either have to buy Mac to publish or contact third-party publishers like smash word or draft two digital. People use iBook apps more than any other. If you have Mac, use it directly; otherwise, some other platforms for eBook publishing.

Smash words 

Smash word is the easiest, fast, and free eBook publishing site. It was introduced by author Mark Coker, and it is the world's largest and best eBook publishing platform. It is very easy for eBook writers to distribute their work to the largest eBook retailers. If a writer of an eBook decides to give it away for free, it will do that too. Smash word also supports preorders, so it benefits the readers, too, along with writers. 


The other best and biggest eBook publishing platform that expands in 190 countries and supports 68 different languages. It is yet easy and works in a four-step process. An eBook writer just has to upload an eBook. It will convert it into publish file form and then outshine your eBook from other manuscripts. It collaborates with the American bookseller Association that gives you a big space to expose your expertise. So, eBook publisher, you can consider this platform for selling your eBook. I would also suggest publishing it to KOBO rather than uploading it directly. 

Google Play

Google play has Google playbook partners programmers, but it is an accepting publisher in very little amount. It has an easy process for signups. Fill a form to show your interest, and you are good to go. It is undoubtedly the best platform as millions of people are using Android. 


It is another best eBook publisher's site, recommended by many eBook writers. Draft2Digital allocates your eBook on different platform such as KOBO, iBook, and other stores. For your information, they charge an amount from everything you make from an eBook. If you ask for my recommendation, I prefer to publish your eBook on Digital2draft.

What are You Waiting For? Don't Lose the Opportunity

Digital publishing has become a new way for publishers. Every hard copy book is almost present in the digital version. Digitalization has benefited the publisher but also brings a lot of competitors in the market.  eBooks writers, go and get your eBook published. Our recommended eBook publishing site is a list you can add to your list while choosing the best eBook publishing company for your masterpiece.

What are you waiting for? Get your work done and show your expertise to the world. 

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